
UDK: 624.4.014.2+624.84
DOI: n/a

Published: Građevinar 61 (2009) 9
Paper type: Professional paper
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Mainland - Čiovo Island Bridge in Trogir

Jure Radić, Zlatko Šavor, Nijaz Mujkanović


The solution with a continuous steel bridge was selected among six offered proposals received for the competition organized by Croatian Road Authority (Hrvatske ceste) for the initial layout and shaping of the new bridge between Mainland and the Čiovo Island. As the old town in Trogir is included in the UNESCO's World Heritage List, the requirements set for this competition were very stringent. The bridge was to be almostinvisible, with the bridge gradient line as low as possible, and without any structural elements above the roadway level. The bridge span above the navigable waterway had to be designed as a moveable bridge. The conceptual design of the first-prize winning solution is presented.

navigable waterway, moveable bridge, Mainland - Čiovo Island Bridge, prize competition, first prize, low bridge gradient line


Radić, J., Šavor, Z., Mujkanović, N.: Mainland - Čiovo Island Bridge in Trogir, GRAĐEVINAR, 61 (2009) 9


Radić, J., Šavor, Z., Mujkanović, N. (2009). Mainland - Čiovo Island Bridge in Trogir, GRAĐEVINAR, 61 (9)
Autor Radić WEB
Jure Radić
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Zlatko Savor WEB
Zlatko Šavor
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Mujkanovic Nijaz
Nijaz Mujkanović
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Civil Engineering